
Step by step origami bookmark
Step by step origami bookmark

step by step origami bookmark

If I used its sheets to make a simple, rectangular bookmark, I would have to laminate it so that it lasted until I finished reading my book. I made my first DIY corner bookmark from a multicolour jotter block. Origami corner bookmarks are surprisingly durable.Needless to say, I deeply appreciate the fact that origami corner bookmarks have a good grip on pages without damaging them, like paper-clip or magnet bookmarks.

step by step origami bookmark

Therefore, my bookmarks often fall out of the books either when they are still in my bag, or when they are already out (in which case they usually land on the muddy bus floor). Since I mostly read in public transport, my books are usually in a vertical position, and I have to hold the current page and the bookmark with the same hand (for I need the other hand to tightly grip something that will prevent me from falling down 😉. 4 reasons why I decided to replace all of my bookmarks I browsed the Internet for inspiration, and found a real treasure: funny origami bookmarks that can be made in less than two minutes! It took me no time to decide that my initial plans to print and laminate a rectangular paper bookmark looked bleak in comparison with colourful triangular monsters consuming book corners, lions edging pages with their shaggy manes and penguins waddling on white sheets of paper. That is why I instantly thought about bookmarks. Although she has just started her adventure with books, she is already turning into an avid reader. I was looking for a creative gift for a 9-year-old niece. I immediately made a dozen of them, and I already know who to give them to! I have recently discovered extremely practical, easy to make origami corner bookmarks, which may be personalised.

Step by step origami bookmark